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About Me

Calhoun, TN, United States
I am enthusiastic and energetic. I love to be around people that are about making a difference in this world. My motto is: "Life is what you make it and I have decided to make it grand!!!"


As a child, I use to watch the starving children on TV or those that were stricken with diseases and wish I could help them. I saw images of adults that seem so helpless. I wanted to send money, but I didn't have any. I did make up my mind then, that when I grew up I would help these people. That time has come! Even though I have been on mission trips, I have come to realize that I can make a difference right here where I am. I can do that simply by understanding what is going on around me, voicing my opinion through voting, lobying etc. I can help those around me by furthering my education, participating in research, sharing information, being proactive in providing interventions and prevention and a whole lot more. Guess what? So can you! I invite you and welcome you to join me in this quest for a better world by starting right in your corner.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Aging in America

Aging. When you hear these words what emotions rise up in you. Are you afraid of getting old? Do you look forward to aging? Do you think of your grandparents and pity them or do you look at them and say I hope to be just like them. Your emotions may differ based on the environment you grew up in. In some countries, the old are revered, in other they are “dispose” of . For some people age is just a number as they are mobile and independent and highly functioning at the age of 95. For others getting old has meant more illnesses, disabilities and illness. Whatever the case, aging is inevitable. We will all get old one day. The question is how will we grow old? Will we need to be taken care of or will we be independent? Will we live a long prosperous, healthy life or one full of misery and disabilities? The truth is the way we treat our bodies has a lot to do with what kind of experience we will have as an older person. That’s not all on a wider outlook, the way our country invests in our lives now will determine our financial security as an elderly.

Click on this link by MSNBC to view this interesting article and video about Aging in America: http://www.msnbc.com/modules/ps/010524_AgingInAmerica/intro.asp?b=hi&0sp=n9f2

The State of Aging and Health in America 2004 is an article that discusses the current and future trends of Aging. It focuses on the health aspect of the elderly in America and what is to be expected and recommendations on how we can deal with this trend.

The Center for American Progress talks about some of the concerns of our aging population:

the growth in the number of older Americans with Alzheimer's,
continued age-based discrimination in the workplace
the continued absence of a national long-term care policy.

Other issues are the doubling of minority elderlies by 2030

Click on this site for more details:

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Feel free to introduce yourself and let us know what you are doing or would like to do to improve health around the world.