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About Me

Calhoun, TN, United States
I am enthusiastic and energetic. I love to be around people that are about making a difference in this world. My motto is: "Life is what you make it and I have decided to make it grand!!!"


As a child, I use to watch the starving children on TV or those that were stricken with diseases and wish I could help them. I saw images of adults that seem so helpless. I wanted to send money, but I didn't have any. I did make up my mind then, that when I grew up I would help these people. That time has come! Even though I have been on mission trips, I have come to realize that I can make a difference right here where I am. I can do that simply by understanding what is going on around me, voicing my opinion through voting, lobying etc. I can help those around me by furthering my education, participating in research, sharing information, being proactive in providing interventions and prevention and a whole lot more. Guess what? So can you! I invite you and welcome you to join me in this quest for a better world by starting right in your corner.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Feel free to introduce yourself and let us know what you are doing or would like to do to improve health around the world.


Milton Mesa said...

Elsie, great videos! I am planning to use some of those in my on campus class also. Thanks for sharing those links!

Rosie said...

Wow, this was deep. It's good to see how some older women feel about this and how they want to change these practices too. Their stories are heart breaking. This ridiculous practice does need to stop!

Rosie said...

Hey! Let's move to Canada!!! hehehe.

Argentina is this way too, you don't pay in public areas, but waiting lists can take your patience off.

So how are the doctors in Canada?

I've had my fits with some Argentine and also American doctors. Seems when your case is the least bit complicated, they want to get it off their backs by saing it's hypochondriac and that it's all in your mind. I hate those idiots!!! I sometimes have to go through 2, 3 or 4 until one finally diagnoses my problem. I had to go through 2 last month because I was sick and didn't know why. The first doctor was an idiot and all the medical expenses totaled more than $400, hopefully my insurance will cover that.
I still didn't know what my problem was. A Nurse Practitioner saw me next and was convinced I had parasites and gave me Flagyl right away. That med was the most disgusting thing ever. But hey, my problems are gone!!! I'm perfectly fine now!!!

CambodianTim said...

Just a question, Elsie -
Who pays for the Universal Health Care? The government? In the US that's the people (us) and we're always complaining about high taxes and that's where the money would have to come from, right?

My sister-in-law is a nurse in an emergency room and she complains that many of the poorer people come into the emergency room to get treatment for colds and minor problems because in her state there is a law that requires them to treat anyone who comes in. The do ask how it is going to be paid for - but these people show welfare cards and proof that they don't have any money - thus the hospital ends up charging those with money a high rate to help cover the costs. At least this is the story she tells me.

Elsie Owens said...

I haven't been in Canada for quite a while, so as far as the attitude of the doctors, I am not sure. I do know that here in the states sometimes you do have to go to multiple doctors until you find someone who is willing to listen and check what your problem is. Sometimes wholistic practitioners are better than your mainstreams doctors. I am glad they found what the problem was.

Onias Muza Taruwinga said...

Hie. This is OT. I really enjoyed reading your blog.